As the name suggests Vistaar Finance is a micro finance company that work in credit provisioning to deserving micro entrepreneurs, to enhance and enrich their lives and the community they live in. The company targets the missing middle segment, which is not effectively served by the formal financial system. In a nutshell the objective is to make finance available at a reasonable cost to the people who are close to the bottom of the pyramid, with small ticket sizes. As the requirements of financing for different livelihoods and customer segments vary, there is a need for a more customized approach to product offerings so that customer needs can be better fulfilled with significantly larger loan sizes.
We were approached to operate and integrate an Artificial Intelligence (AI) led chat-bot into their social media page and generate enquiry and leads for their asset products in the micro finance category. We have successfully implemented the plan in garnering leads thus fulfilling the needs of hundreds of borrowers from multiple cities of India.